
Friday, August 12, 2011

in honor of this weekend...

My favorite Zac Brown Band song, Free, mixed with a cover of my favorite song of all time (Into the Mystic - Van Morrison) easy choice.

current obsessions:
  • Maxi dresses
  • DJ'ing in the afternoon with my coworkers on turntable
  • The pale girls savior - TanTowels.  Hands down, the best (and easiest to apply!) self tanner out there.  Trust me, I've tried them all.  Realistic color, dries almost instantly and it lasts.
  •  Malbec red wine.  Normally I'm a white-only drinker, but after discovering this red variety (thanks, Brandon!), I'm hooked.  Although I do drink it over ice (sacrilege, I know, but this is coming from the girl who drinks iced coffee 365 days a year) so I'm not really a complete convert yet.

Time to dust off the cowboy boots & get ready for a country fried weekend! xx, C.

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