
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

random things

1.  Lake House 2011 was a success.  Rain all day Saturday didn't stop any fun from happening.  Can't wait for next year.

2.  I am so excited to get all redneck (I can say that, I was born below the Mason-Dixon Line) this Saturday at the Billy Currington/Zac Brown Band/Kenny Chesney concert at Giants Stadium (yeah, I'm still calling it that).  I'm looking forward to drinking outdoors, a summer sunset, laughing with friends and live country music..these are the things I live for.

3.  Haley from American Idol got a record deal.  Now, when the show was on I was very hot and cold with how i felt about her.  I think she has a great voice but sometimes her personality really got on my nerves.  However, all I have to do is listen to her cover of Bennie & the Jets and I could care less how she acts - the girl can sing.  If you haven't heard this, its a must listen:

4.  I seriously cannot wait for football season to begin.  We got tickets to Giants/Dolphins (this only happens every EIGHT years in NY..big deal) in first ever NFL game!  I live for the Giants.  This has been a crazy, crazy off season and people are talking down on the team/acting worried but I have faith.  Nothing would make me happier than beating the Eagles at least once.  All this "Dream Team" talk?? When was the last time you guys won a Super Bowl? Oh, that's right..NEVER.  I'll stop ranting here or else this will go on forever.

5.  I'm really behind on the DVR and it's kind of stressing me out.  Like verging on 3 weeks behind of some shows.  In other news, I think we've watched about 65 episodes of Pawn Stars in the last few weeks..its getting unhealthy.  I now think I know everything about guns made before 1880 and restoring antique Coke machines.

6.  The countdown to my Verizon upgrade: 16 DAYS.  Goodbye Blackberry, hello iPhone.  I've been waiting for this day ever since Verizon announced they would be carrying the iPhone.  I feel kind of bad because Blackberries have been good to me for the past 3 or so years, but the small screen really gets on my nerves and it doesn't have cool apps.  I will cherish my last few weeks of BBM until then.

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